About Singapore

The population of Singapore is approximately 4 million, with a cultural diversity consisting of 50% Chinese, 30% Malay, 10% Indian, and 10% others.

Languages spoken in Singapore are Mandarin, English, and Malay, with Hokkien and Cantonese dialects. English is the primary business language in Singapore. Many people are surprised to discover that English is actually the primary language taught in schools, thus eliminating any communication barriers found in other Asian countries.

Singapore operates one of the best state-run tooling training centers in the region. It's two Precision Engineering Institutes are funded largely by the state, and feature more than 100 state of the art CNC machining centers. The government and private companies fund approximately 80% of the tuition costs for students. Singapore's Gintic Institute of Manufacturing Technology prides itself on cutting edge research for the global market. This institute is also funded in half by the government.

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